Interest Money for Sanitary Projects
Do you have interest (Riba) sitting in your bank accounts?
Did you know that contemporary scholars from all four schools of thought recommended that money gathered through interest should only be spent on building sanitary facilities? Furthermore, we should not expect to get any reward for this act from Allah (SWT).
There are many widows and single mothers who live in the rural areas of Bangladesh and do not have toilets within their houses. To use a toilet, they currently have to venture outside of their houses into open spaces and risk their privacy and safety, especially at night time.

With your donated interest money Al- Zahoor Welfare Foundation will build sanitary facilities for widows and single mothers, and other desperately poor people.
You can donate to this project using the following bank account details:
Bank: HSBC Bank
Name: Al-Zahoor Welfare Foundation
Sort Code: 403333
Account No: 22676559
Please use “Sanitary” as your reference.
Alternatively, you can donate below and checkout using the Stripe/Paypal secure payment gateway.

Interest Money for Sanitary Projects
Interest Money for Sanitary Projects