Thank you for your Zakat al Fitr Donations – June 2019

Assalamu ‘alaykum, JazakAllah khair to all of you who donated Zakat, Sadaqah, Iftar and Zakat-al-Fitr to Al-Zahoor Welfare Foundation this Ramadhan 2019. Your donations of Zakat-al-Fitr contributed towards making 400+ food packages which will be distributed to the poor and destitute before Eid salaah inshaAllah…

Completion of Zakat al Fitr distribution – June 2019

Assalmu 'alaikum and Eid Mubarak. The time here is now 1.30am in the morning and the government of Bangladesh has just announced that it is Eid tommorrow. Alhamdulillah, we have just finished distributing the last of our zakat-ul-fitr food parcels. In the end we gave…